(917) 796-4091 rosa@healingchannels.com


Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocIh7IcCXtsbSTkA0uclJYioUFkWthXfklStjFaC46BL=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Cynthia M.
February 10, 2024
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Rosa is a healer, you can feel her deep intuition. Several years ago Rosa guided me through my soul retrieval. With her support I got through the process and united parts of myself that I had hidden away for many years. I believe this changed my life and opened up years of learning and growing. I am in my early 60’s and my life is flowing and opening up in beautiful ways. I am grateful to have Rosa as a guide. With deep gratitude, Cynthia Los Osos, CA USA
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjUwvyKotlZebWhz6Zxrg6idUP9u6RMqZjVKHFdB0N UDQ=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Michele Renée Ledoux
February 10, 2024
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I've had the pleasure of working with Rosa for the past several years... she is an incredibly gifted energetic healer who has the ability to quickly and accurately tune in. She offers great insight into situations, offers direct guidance, and in a loving and compassionate way. An absolute gift in my life.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjX H4WzbYeKduPy5uw30GMBHBzxDVnrGc6O9oMaAe IDQ=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Ashley Marie
February 8, 2024
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Rosa is an unprecedented healer, hands down one of the most gifted healers I ever met. I had an attachment once that no other healer could clear, but her. With Rosa’s high level of dedication to her practice, her warm and welcoming energy that’s like an embrace, it feels like coming home whenever I speak to her. She’s such an incredible channel of the divine, the purest I’ve known. Her channeled energy sessions have been life changing. I’ve had so many over the years, and I’ve never had a single session when she isn’t spot on about the most intimate details of my innermost thoughts. Always blown away. She helps ease my emotional suffering, she makes me laugh and makes me feel safe. She is a true gift to the world, she is a true gift to me. After working with her for 6 + years, I trust her implicitly. There’s not enough room to say all I’d love to say about her. I love her. And my life is astronomically improved with her in it.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocIDP ptIeMtcWylNWBRVUGbxN5w5NOf89k2Mm6v Mgp=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Matt Tacron
December 13, 2023
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Rosa was fantastic and so nice while being more than accommodating. She fit us in and even gave a deal on the new crystal bed! Left feeling refreshed and so calmed (out of my head).
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocJrQCX4Ll7IY2qc8A71Nf9JPfKOPew778XFc7Edj20I=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
October 17, 2022
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I have found Healing Channels during a confusing time in my life when traditional therapy no longer seemed helpful. Starting with my very first conversation with Rosa I knew I came to the right place. Rosa’s extraordinary abilities and experience, in combination with her training, make her a unique professional in the field. A spiritual healer grounded in reason makes for a necessary balance to help guide you out of your darkness into the light. Each session lives you feeling more grounded, clear, and empowered. You walk away with tools and perspective necessary to upgrade yourself, your relationships, and your life.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocK IFthGokJMtFGo8EjIzbWUMA0mNmv2T9nxs0Gr0wF=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Jeremy Morales
October 15, 2022
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What a treat it has been working with Rosa this past year! I'm new to all of this and of course was wondering if this would work for me or not. After my initial consultation I was blown away at all the stuff she said and knew about me. I was all in at that point. Fast forward to today after a great session I'm feeling light and blissful and have enjoyed some great progress overall and look forward to my soul retrieval. I've experienced some very interesting moments with her sessions just like these other reviews are mentioning. This lady is truly gifted and a sweetheart. Get a consultation with her and see what you think. I'd say you'll be in for quite a treat.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocJIqNa8qaMCoRXxRduZFHQCXbfzP0NI20RWQZaQ6wNA=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Aaron Sims
July 28, 2022
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
There is a saying "If it ain't broke, there is no need to fix it." Well, it looked like everything was broke or breaking everywhere, including my life and body. I was well aware of this a couple of years ago. I knew I needed some help, fast, even with my considerable skill set. I started working with Rosa over a year ago. Rosa was a game changer! What I was going through I would not wish on anyone. There were times I wanted to give up. But the Universe would not let me, It brought Rosa into my life. Rosa is a Healer, an Avatar, an Angel. I have never met Rosa in-person. All of our work together has been remote. (THE DIVINE IS EVERYWHERE! IT TRANSCENDS TIME AND SPACE). Rosa works on an energetic level, because everything is energy, everything! There are a lot of people who are giving up, just look around....suicide, homelessness, violence, alcohol and drug usage, etc. There is help out there, real help. Rosa Haritos provides it in a way only she can provide. If I could, I would give her 111 stars.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocI  n2OkVnswuSQqhcfTVm0LIbTPnKqq6Qk7 5Kb5mm=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
Lilly Girl
May 5, 2022
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Rosa is a god-send, she has been instrumental in my healing journey and bringing me back to a whole, balanced person. My life has improved tremendously and I'm excited to see where this journey will take me!
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjUZMQVvCCQipSo8m02CwNBXaQCSAVXXBKa5nDKAPKS JGOG=s120 c rp mo ba3 br100 - Client Testimonials
Lilly Plascencia
December 1, 2021
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
✨✨ Blessed to know Rosa! Who is a beautiful soul and healer ✨✨✨ I don't even know where to begin! Rosa has changed my life and opened my mind, body and soul in ways I never imagined ! I was at a point in my life where I felt so lost. I came across Rosa and her website and something told me SHE IS THE ONE WHO WILL HELP YOU! I sent her an email and I didn't go into detail , I just said I feel lost and need help!!! Right away I received a response and WOW! she was right on the money! She explained exactly how I was feeling and I knew then She is the real deal! We did a Channeled Energy Healing remotely. What I experienced during my healing session was life changing. I saw and felt things I never knew I could feel. It was such an amazing experience and Rosa helped guide me and understand what I was experiencing. I can't even imagine where I would be right now if it wasn't for Rosa and her gift! She has opened this whole new realm for me that is so beautiful and I know she can do the same for you! Like I said before 👉🏼Rosa is the real deal 🙏🏻✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ If you're reading this and wondering if this type of healing is right for you let me just say YES!! and Rosa is such a blessing! With her guidance and beautiful energy she knows what' she is doing and will guide you in what you need just like she did for me. I'm so grateful to have Rosa in my life. Rosa, thank you! I know I have many spirit guides by my side and I'm blessed to have you guiding me on my journey. ✨✨✨😇
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjX8K9COGdR3cQcIkFR12LhCWSlbseKtjW5EVFWnIIebczs=s120 c rp mo br100 - Client Testimonials
julia fliss
October 6, 2021
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
Rosa is a beacon of light. Weaving a tapestry of love & empowerment, Rosa offers an evolutionary doorway through which those who choose can walk into a transformed experience of themselves, each other & the world. With the support and guidance of the spiritual realms, she truly invites each of us to recognize, reflect and shift the unhealthy & limiting systems within and around us in order to create the peace, balance, happiness and joy we all deserve. If you are looking to begin your spiritual healing journey, connect with your authentic self or realize the unlimited healing power of your soul, look no further. Healing Channels is for you.

One of the most powerful things is that she can do this from long distance healing!

Without a doubt, meeting Rosa changed my life, and one of the most powerful things is that she can do so from long distance healing! Rosa’s gifts and healing abilities have empowered me and released me from wounds and blockages I did not know I had, allowing me to meet myself and know I am loved and can love all of my being in ways I never imagined possible. Her intuition and incredible connection to the spirit world allows her to speak in a language that resonates on a soul level. If you are feeling low, held back, and yet aware of the amazing potential of the joyful self that’s always within, I highly recommend reaching out to Rosa, she will help you set your heart free, and open back up to love and light that is always around us.

A.Skahill, CA

We Needed Help from a Higher Power. Thank you sweet Rosa.

My sister, Barbara was diagnosed with lung cancer and had gone through two series of chemo treatments when she was told there wasn’t anything else they (the doctors) could do for her. Needless to say that was a shock to us all. After all, medicine is supposed to fix what’s wrong with us and there wasn’t anything else to be done to heal her. We needed help from a higher power.

I have known Rosa since 2004 and turned to her for higher power help for my sister. Rosa was kind enough to do a distance healing for us over the phone. Although we were 3,000 miles apart the spiritual connection between my sister Barbara and Rosa was wonderful.

With Rosa’s spiritual assistance Barbara immediately experienced peace and a sweet and gentle  calmness washed across her face. After that Barbara was able to speak openly about passing over without fear. What a blessing for my sister and our whole family- Thank you sweet Rosa! Her passing was done easily and without fear of the unknown.

A short time after my sister passed I was fortunate enough to have a distance healing session with Rosa to ‘follow up’ on my mourning process.

Rosa told me my sister was “just fine” and she wanted me to “get on with my life”. What a comfort to hear one of my favorite people was “just fine” on the other side.C. Farrell, Oregon

I always feel safe working with her.

I met Rosa at the Casa of Dom Inácio on a mutual trip to Brazil in 2004. Immediately in our conversations, I noticed that she radiated pure joy, love and a passion for life. When I spend time with Rosa, whether in Brazil, New York, or talk to her on the telephone from a distance, I always sense the incredible beauty emanating from her smile, and the beaming shine of knowingness in her eyes. Her words are ripe with wisdom and insight that are a gift to all who know her. For these reasons, I always feel safe working with her. I have had the honor of sharing a devoted friendship as well as being a recipient of her amazing healing energy. Rosa’s divine connection and her inner spark have rescued me numerous times from physical, emotional and spiritual despair. Whether clearing my body of physical pain, or my house from scattered energy, or helping my mother and I confront her illness, she has always been there when I needed her. Rosa is one of my guardian angels on this earth realm.

My deepest and most profound spiritual experience has been losing my mother from the physical realm this past summer. Rosa did everything to help prepare both my mother and I for her soul to cross over to the light. When my mother’s heart rate went up to 150 in the hospital I could call Rosa and she would direct me how to use my own healing energy and work in tandem to calm my mother and bring her heart rate back to normal. She helped soften my grief, as I knew I was losing my mother from this earth plane. Rosa sent beautiful white roses to my mother’s memorial service for her because she knew that she loved them. Rosa is devoted to healing all her clients on all levels, and she will nurture and send love that one will be astounded by. She is a powerful healing force, an earth angel, and I am grateful to the Divine Creator to be privy to the grace of this wonderful woman, who I call my ‘beautiful flower Rosa.’ Thank you Rosa for being such a gift in my life.

J. Lauren, New York

Rosa was referred to me and has been an invaluable part of my healing journey to wellness.

Rosa is an essential part of my healing. She is a clear channel and amazes me with her accuracy and insight. When I first went to her I didn’t tell her much- In fact I was quiet. She calmed me immediately with her sweet presence and grace. I knew I could trust her and tell her anything. Some people have this gift and she certainly does: the moment I looked into her eyes I felt it. I was in a safe place with a gifted and knowledgeable healer. A lot of healing energy is through the clearing and restoration of the chakras. I feel these energy centers open and spin when Rosa works with me. The crystal bed has a major effect on me, opening up stuck energy, releasing stored feelings and thoughts. When Rosa is near me, I feel her helping me, guiding me with what I really need help with. I feel energy holding my hands and stroking my head. There are feelings of movement and opening. I remember some things I have forgotten. I sense movement and a sacred presence supporting me.

Sometimes in life, we get stuck. An excellent healer can touch this negative energy and allow a healing light to enter into dark places no one can see, but we may feel inside.

When we finish there is no question that a lot has been accomplished. I am relaxed and at peace.  I know she has helped me from her heart. We talk about the session, she passes on information that I need to hear in order to progress and continue to heal in every way — spiritually, emotionally and physically.

I have learned my body and emotions have led me to a healer for a reason. I am forever grateful to Rosa and my Sweet Jesus for a chance to live this beautiful life. It’s only just begun! D. Cooper, New Jersey

I felt completely comfortable and at ease with her.

From the moment I spoke with Rosa I felt completely comfortable and at ease with her. Rosa spent a generous amount of time with me during the free consultation. I felt connected in her presence as she immediately tuned into me and spoke of areas in my body I was already aware held tension. She discussed the details of what I could expect from a long distance healing session. I booked right away.

When the time came for the session I was excited and able to relax on my bed as she did the work. After the session, I received an extremely detailed email transcription of my session along with further healing suggestions for “at home” reinforcement. Later that day, we had a follow up call that offered me time to ask further questions about the session.

I’d been struggling with migraine headaches for almost two years and after my session the pain significantly decreased. I also noticed I felt more relaxed and less anxious, more grounded in myself. I have received the message of “broadcasting my song”, which I believe is the essence of me and the joy I share with others! Thank you Rosa from the bottom of my heart. I am so looking forward to our next session.

S. Cantafio, Canada 

I’ve had such an amazing journey with Rosa in the last year; it’s hard to know what to share to convey how much my life has changed working with her.

I first came to visit Rosa on the suggestion of a friend. I had a dire medical condition that did not improve by traditional Western medicine. They (my physicians) were doing the best they could with the tools they had but I was told my condition would not improve, they had no idea why I had it, and the only solution was to slow down my pace and live with it. I felt like they were talking about someone else- that poor person! As I tried to make sense of it all I began to realize there must be an emotional reason for my illness, as my physicians couldn’t find a physical one. I believe the world makes perfect sense if you step back and allow the energetic flow of life to rejuvenate you, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. I intuitively knew this but Rosa helped me actualize and manifest this knowing into my life in very real way.

It started very simply with appointments where Rosa would journey with discarnate spirits (Entities) and give me messages and do hands-on energy work. I found this to be very interesting and I always felt better afterwards but on the 4th visit – WOW. I arrived at Rosa’s with what I called my “TB” breathing rattle. I don’t have “TB” but it used to sound like that. During that session Rosa, and this is my interpretation, pulled out excess energy from my lungs. I woke up the next morning for the first time in over a year without rattling. I can’t tell you I know exactly what occurred but I can tell you I LOVED the results. Rosa suggested books and I read them. A whole world opened up to me that I didn’t know existed- what a pleasure to read all these interesting concepts. And I particularly liked that I didn’t need to judge it, as anything- Real/not real, it just didn’t matter- it was manifesting healing in my life.

After reading several books on Soul Retrieval I felt, as did Rosa, that this might help me. My husband had several friends come to emotionally/spiritually/energetically support me. Rosa led the Soul Retrieval Journey and as she explained what she found it all made perfect sense to me. And towards the end when she blew the retrieved parts back in through the lungs and crown chakra it truly felt as if missing pieces of my personal puzzle had just been put back. With this my body took a giant step forward in health.

In the last 6 months I have added working with a homeopathic doctor. I am very pleased to say that Rosa makes this and any other medical choices I make complementary with her work rather than at odds.

With Rosa, I feel like I have an incredible, energetic, spiritual source helping me directly with my health and explaining aspects of life I didn’t knew existed- Thank you Rosa.

L. Casson, New York

She has the perfect balance between being open and warm yet professional and clear with her guidance

I’m one of those people that never writes reviews but I wanted to do this because Rosa has helped me so much over the past three years. I had no frame of reference for what working with a healer would look like. From my first phone call with Rosa, and throughout my entire healing process with her, what really resonates with me is that she has the perfect balance between being open and warm and also professional, firm, and clear with her guidance; but never to the extent where I felt pushed or uncomfortable. She is able to hold space for her clients and their difficult emotions, as they arise. While parts of the process were challenging, it has been one of the most rewarding and healing experiences of my life. If I could share this opportunity with the world I would. Rosa, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful gifts with our world! Her work is such a blessing and she is just a wonderful and compassionate person. Thank you so much!

E.Rosner, NY

Rosa is the real deal

I have been dealing with profound health issues and blockages for 6 years, and worked with many powerful energetic healers, and Rosa is hands-down the most potent healer I’ve come across. Rosa is the real deal! I was initially hesitant to do a remote healing session, but I have never had such profound and blissful healing journeys as I’ve had in the comfort of my own home and her in the comfort of hers. Where many healers in her line of work may make me feel great for the day, or maybe even for several days, Rosa’s work has an incredible sustain, opening space in my body and spirit to continue to get better long after I’ve seen her. I can’t recommend her enough!

D. Engele, CO

I had no idea how profound the change in me would be.

My soul retrieval session with Rosa was the most profound spiritual and emotional experience of my life.

For about a year I’d noticed increased feelings of fear, indecision, and depression. Through this process I came to realize how I hopelessly clung to anything that offered temporary relief from the pain. As I spoke with Rosa and shared my story, I had a profound sense I’d found the right and perfect person to assist me in this sacred work. She listened and didn’t judge. I felt safe in sharing my dreams, triggers, and fears as they came up during this intense process.

Rosa guided me through weeks of the dream process and I felt fully supported. Rosa’s acute medium abilities and insights helped me understand how I disconnected from my soul’s power: connections suddenly were seamless and I had a sense of hope. Soul retrieval restored my power, gave me back those pieces and gifts that had been lost. I truly felt whole and complete. My power animal journey was amazing and continues to guide me in understanding how to use my new found power in my life.

I had no idea how profound the change in me would be. Over a year has passed and my life continues to shift for the better! New dimensions have opened. I am hopeful, balanced, grounded, joyous. Most of all, I know I deserve this and even more. Of course it’s not always been smooth sailing; change never is. Rosa continues to listen, tune in, and helps me move through the rough patches. Her channeled messages are clear and powerful. I feel the healing energy and love from the compassionate spirits. My life continues to evolve and I know Rosa will continue to guide me as my path unfolds.J. Sotille, New York

Working with Rosa in a channeled healing session was one of the most powerfully moving, enlightening and positive gifts I’ve ever given to myself.

As with most things in life, Rosa and I crossed paths by what seemed like chance; although I’m certain it was anything but chance.  At the time I had been dealing with 4+ unsuccessful years of infertility and all the treatments associated, miscarriage, and a lot of heartbreak.  I’d also sought out alternative means of therapy such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, crystal healing and the list goes on.

Once I met Rosa something inside told me she could help, but little did I know that this chance meeting would change my life forever. Then I learned of the healing sessions, Rosa’s association with The Entities of John of God, the Crystal Bed Therapy, and I needed to understand more.  I can describe one of my sessions as a healing, soulful journey where Rosa, your shamanic energy healing guide, travels alongside with you. I always felt safe and aware, but what I was experiencing was almost other-worldy. The journey takes you to places that only you are meant to see and experience. When complete, you can literally feel the purge of all things toxic from your body; emotional, spiritual and then of course physical.  I left each session a little lighter, a lot happier and little did I know, a lot more fertile.  Fast forward 7 months or so since my last session and I am now for the first time in my life, 6 months pregnant and as healthy as can be. I’d finally let go of my past spiritual burdens that I believe were directly linked to my infertility.  I give credit and gratitude to Rosa Haritos, along with the help of The Entities for my successful pregnancy!

I recommend this healing to anyone who needs to find their way, is doing some soul-searching or has health problems of any sort.  My only complaint is that I didn’t find Rosa sooner, but all things come to us in due time.  Thank you Rosa!  You’ll be dear to me in my heart and soul forever.E. Sanfiz, Rutherford, New Jersey

Rosa is able to tap into the Universe that is around us, but which very few are fully aware of, and she uses her gifts for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of others.

Rosa is a person who is able to harness healing energy from a realm that most of us are not even area exits. My wife Lee and I visited Rosa the first time in the hope that Rosa could help Lee with a chronic and debilitating lung condition that a top pulmonary lung specialist said would ultimately require a double lung transplant. This gave me tremendous stress and worry and I’m not a person who deals with stress very easily or effectively. I’ve had countless nights where anxiety kept me awake all night long.

From that first visit, although I was a bystander in her healing room, I received a calming energy that flowed across the room from the crystal bed where Rosa was treating Lee. It filled my entire body. I was a skeptic going there but something was happening and I was just on ‘the sidelines’. Since that first visit I’ve seen Rosa several times myself and each visit I left with a deep sense of calm-my sleep is better than its been in years. Lee’s health has improved dramatically but that’s her story to tell.

Other experiences I’ve had while laying on the crystal bed seem even more unbelievable but I can attest they happened. For instance, Rosa channeled spirits that had crossed over. If I hadn’t experienced it myself firsthand, there is no way I would have believed it. But the experiences were too intimate to be anything but communication with those who I dearly knew in this world that had crossed over into the next realm.

Another time Rosa invited us to a drumming circle. During the drumming we were all in a deep meditation and Rosa instructed us to call in those who would bring us to our Higher Consciousness. Still skeptical, I started “imagining” images of Jesus and Gandhi and I began to hear what seemed like Native American chanting in the distance. That was no big deal but when our session ended Rosa said something to the effect, “That was wild,Jesus and Gandhi were here and did you hear that chanting?” So now I’m thinking she’s a mind reader- but Rosa say’s she’s not, she just a medium. (I’ve asked her this several times!) Since that time I’ve lost my skepticism and have seen Rosa many times. Each session has brought me tremendous insights.J. Casson, New York

Such blessed time spent with a wonderful and gifted healer.

That describes my sentiment about the power of Rosa’s presence during our time together.  Her radiance and goodness makes her such a pure channel of light and love.  For me, her healing energy has been like  the hand of spirit guiding me to the heart of my struggle or pain.  Through our light filled sessions with beautiful images and colors, I have often experienced such a lifting of heaviness or darkness, only to be replaced with a clarity of vision and a deep sense of knowing.  She is so in sync not only with where I am but where I need to be.

Serious illness is a daunting task to face.  It creates an openness to spirit that we may never have experienced otherwise.  Rosa listens with such genuine intention and responds with such love and compassion.  She engenders trust in this beautiful process and has helped me take the next spiritual step so many times along the way.  She has been a link in helping me find my spiritual clarity.  Her powerful insight and energy has served as a crucial bridge between earth and spirit as I continue to understand the journey of my soul.

A. Linden, New York


(917) 796-4091


Hansville, WA




By visiting this website, scheduling a consultation or appointment, and or booking a session with Healing Channels /Rosa Haritos PhD, you understand and agree that Rosa Haritos PhD is a medical sociologist, healing medium, shamanic practitioner, but not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed professional. Her advice, healing sessions, workshops, are offered to supplement Western and Traditional medical protocols. Please consult your physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological conditions you may be experiencing. 

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