(917) 796-4091 rosa@healingchannels.com


Reclaim Your Soul’s Healing Power

Welcome to Healing Channels

Come and experience the profound benefits of energetic healing.

Imagine unlocking your soul’s infinite healing power and basking in its transformative wisdom. Discover how realigning with your spiritual gifts paves the way for healing on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. Learn how to create an authentic alliance with Source for transformative soul healing. Stop struggling through life and start thriving in life. A life of endless joy, abundance, and spiritual growth. What does that look like?

In-Person / Remote Spiritual Counseling & Healing Mediumship


Channeled Energy Healing

Soul Retrieval

Shamanic Healing

Spiritual Counseling

Energy Meditation

Experience first-hand that we are not alone

and the spirit realms support us in healing ourselves, our communities, and our planet.

Safe and effective ways to release trauma,

thoughts, feelings, and fears that keep you from living a healthy, joyous and authentic life.

Release unhealthy behaviors

and patterns of suffering without relinquishing your power.

Cure physical and emotional illness

by healing the vibrational imbalance in the mind, body and spirit.

Realize the full potential

of your body’s natural healing process.

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Welcome, beautiful souls- I’m Rosa

…a healing medium, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual channel. Picture me as a bridge connecting the earthly realm to the celestial spheres. But life wasn’t always like this; it was very different. I traversed the realms of academia, from college to post-doctoral training as a medical sociologist, delving into the realms of HIV, cancer, and mental health. Yet, a whisper from the universe nudged me towards a different calling. In 2004, I took a leap of faith and traveled to Brazil, embarking on a personal healing odyssey. One that awakened me to the profound connection between physical and emotional ailments and their spiritual origins. Intrigued? Click below to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Let’s bridge the realms together!

Wow! That was so detailed and well-structured. Thank you for all that you do: helping me heal, taking the time to write up my notes, and counseling me. You are a beacon of light and I have no idea what I would do without you.

– I. Michelin, NJ

Her words are ripe with wisdom and insight that are a gift to all who know her. For these reasons, I always feel safe working with her. Rosa’s divine connection and her inner spark have rescued me numerous times from physical, emotional and spiritual despair.”

– J.Lauren, NY

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Cynthia M.
February 10, 2024
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Rosa is a healer, you can feel her deep intuition. Several years ago Rosa guided me through my soul retrieval. With her support I got through the process and united parts of myself that I had hidden away for many years. I believe this changed my life and opened up years of learning and growing. I am in my early 60’s and my life is flowing and opening up in beautiful ways. I am grateful to have Rosa as a guide. With deep gratitude, Cynthia Los Osos, CA USA
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjUwvyKotlZebWhz6Zxrg6idUP9u6RMqZjVKHFdB0N UDQ=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
Michele Renée Ledoux
February 10, 2024
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I've had the pleasure of working with Rosa for the past several years... she is an incredibly gifted energetic healer who has the ability to quickly and accurately tune in. She offers great insight into situations, offers direct guidance, and in a loving and compassionate way. An absolute gift in my life.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjX H4WzbYeKduPy5uw30GMBHBzxDVnrGc6O9oMaAe IDQ=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
Ashley Marie
February 8, 2024
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Rosa is an unprecedented healer, hands down one of the most gifted healers I ever met. I had an attachment once that no other healer could clear, but her. With Rosa’s high level of dedication to her practice, her warm and welcoming energy that’s like an embrace, it feels like coming home whenever I speak to her. She’s such an incredible channel of the divine, the purest I’ve known. Her channeled energy sessions have been life changing. I’ve had so many over the years, and I’ve never had a single session when she isn’t spot on about the most intimate details of my innermost thoughts. Always blown away. She helps ease my emotional suffering, she makes me laugh and makes me feel safe. She is a true gift to the world, she is a true gift to me. After working with her for 6 + years, I trust her implicitly. There’s not enough room to say all I’d love to say about her. I love her. And my life is astronomically improved with her in it.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocIDP ptIeMtcWylNWBRVUGbxN5w5NOf89k2Mm6v Mgp=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
Matt Tacron
December 13, 2023
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Rosa was fantastic and so nice while being more than accommodating. She fit us in and even gave a deal on the new crystal bed! Left feeling refreshed and so calmed (out of my head).
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocJrQCX4Ll7IY2qc8A71Nf9JPfKOPew778XFc7Edj20I=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
October 17, 2022
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
I have found Healing Channels during a confusing time in my life when traditional therapy no longer seemed helpful. Starting with my very first conversation with Rosa I knew I came to the right place. Rosa’s extraordinary abilities and experience, in combination with her training, make her a unique professional in the field. A spiritual healer grounded in reason makes for a necessary balance to help guide you out of your darkness into the light. Each session lives you feeling more grounded, clear, and empowered. You walk away with tools and perspective necessary to upgrade yourself, your relationships, and your life.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocK IFthGokJMtFGo8EjIzbWUMA0mNmv2T9nxs0Gr0wF=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
Jeremy Morales
October 15, 2022
Trustindex verifies that the original source of the review is Google.
What a treat it has been working with Rosa this past year! I'm new to all of this and of course was wondering if this would work for me or not. After my initial consultation I was blown away at all the stuff she said and knew about me. I was all in at that point. Fast forward to today after a great session I'm feeling light and blissful and have enjoyed some great progress overall and look forward to my soul retrieval. I've experienced some very interesting moments with her sessions just like these other reviews are mentioning. This lady is truly gifted and a sweetheart. Get a consultation with her and see what you think. I'd say you'll be in for quite a treat.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocJIqNa8qaMCoRXxRduZFHQCXbfzP0NI20RWQZaQ6wNA=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
Aaron Sims
July 28, 2022
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There is a saying "If it ain't broke, there is no need to fix it." Well, it looked like everything was broke or breaking everywhere, including my life and body. I was well aware of this a couple of years ago. I knew I needed some help, fast, even with my considerable skill set. I started working with Rosa over a year ago. Rosa was a game changer! What I was going through I would not wish on anyone. There were times I wanted to give up. But the Universe would not let me, It brought Rosa into my life. Rosa is a Healer, an Avatar, an Angel. I have never met Rosa in-person. All of our work together has been remote. (THE DIVINE IS EVERYWHERE! IT TRANSCENDS TIME AND SPACE). Rosa works on an energetic level, because everything is energy, everything! There are a lot of people who are giving up, just look around....suicide, homelessness, violence, alcohol and drug usage, etc. There is help out there, real help. Rosa Haritos provides it in a way only she can provide. If I could, I would give her 111 stars.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ACg8ocI  n2OkVnswuSQqhcfTVm0LIbTPnKqq6Qk7 5Kb5mm=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
Lilly Girl
May 5, 2022
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Rosa is a god-send, she has been instrumental in my healing journey and bringing me back to a whole, balanced person. My life has improved tremendously and I'm excited to see where this journey will take me!
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjUZMQVvCCQipSo8m02CwNBXaQCSAVXXBKa5nDKAPKS JGOG=s120 c rp mo ba3 br100 - Home
Lilly Plascencia
December 1, 2021
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✨✨ Blessed to know Rosa! Who is a beautiful soul and healer ✨✨✨ I don't even know where to begin! Rosa has changed my life and opened my mind, body and soul in ways I never imagined ! I was at a point in my life where I felt so lost. I came across Rosa and her website and something told me SHE IS THE ONE WHO WILL HELP YOU! I sent her an email and I didn't go into detail , I just said I feel lost and need help!!! Right away I received a response and WOW! she was right on the money! She explained exactly how I was feeling and I knew then She is the real deal! We did a Channeled Energy Healing remotely. What I experienced during my healing session was life changing. I saw and felt things I never knew I could feel. It was such an amazing experience and Rosa helped guide me and understand what I was experiencing. I can't even imagine where I would be right now if it wasn't for Rosa and her gift! She has opened this whole new realm for me that is so beautiful and I know she can do the same for you! Like I said before 👉🏼Rosa is the real deal 🙏🏻✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ If you're reading this and wondering if this type of healing is right for you let me just say YES!! and Rosa is such a blessing! With her guidance and beautiful energy she knows what' she is doing and will guide you in what you need just like she did for me. I'm so grateful to have Rosa in my life. Rosa, thank you! I know I have many spirit guides by my side and I'm blessed to have you guiding me on my journey. ✨✨✨😇
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels ALV UjX8K9COGdR3cQcIkFR12LhCWSlbseKtjW5EVFWnIIebczs=s120 c rp mo br100 - Home
julia fliss
October 6, 2021
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Rosa is a beacon of light. Weaving a tapestry of love & empowerment, Rosa offers an evolutionary doorway through which those who choose can walk into a transformed experience of themselves, each other & the world. With the support and guidance of the spiritual realms, she truly invites each of us to recognize, reflect and shift the unhealthy & limiting systems within and around us in order to create the peace, balance, happiness and joy we all deserve. If you are looking to begin your spiritual healing journey, connect with your authentic self or realize the unlimited healing power of your soul, look no further. Healing Channels is for you.
Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels Spiritual counseling and healing mediumship services healing channels - Home

Rosa Haritos, PhD, CHt, is a graduate of Barnard College and Columbia University, New York. She was an Andrew Mellon Fellow at Stanford University and has taught and engaged in research studies at several Ivy League Universities as well as the Pasteur Institute in Paris France and the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda Maryland. She is a Medium, Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher. She has a private healing practice in Hansville Washington.

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(917) 796-4091


Hansville, WA




By visiting this website, scheduling a consultation or appointment, and or booking a session with Healing Channels /Rosa Haritos PhD, you understand and agree that Rosa Haritos PhD is a medical sociologist, healing medium, shamanic practitioner, but not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed professional. Her advice, healing sessions, workshops, are offered to supplement Western and Traditional medical protocols. Please consult your physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological conditions you may be experiencing. 

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