(917) 796-4091 rosa@healingchannels.com


Reclaim Your Soul’s Healing Power

Welcome to Healing Channels

Come and experience the profound benefits of energetic healing.

Imagine unlocking your soul’s infinite healing power and basking in its transformative wisdom. Discover how realigning with your spiritual gifts paves the way for healing on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. Learn how to create an authentic alliance with Source for transformative soul healing. Stop struggling through life and start thriving in life. A life of endless joy, abundance, and spiritual growth. What does that look like?

In-Person / Remote Spiritual Counseling & Healing Mediumship


Channeled Energy Healing

Soul Retrieval

Shamanic Healing

Spiritual Counseling

Energy Meditation

Experience first-hand that we are not alone

and the spirit realms support us in healing ourselves, our communities, and our planet.

Safe and effective ways to release trauma,

thoughts, feelings, and fears that keep you from living a healthy, joyous and authentic life.

Release unhealthy behaviors

and patterns of suffering without relinquishing your power.

Cure physical and emotional illness

by healing the vibrational imbalance in the mind, body and spirit.

Realize the full potential

of your body’s natural healing process.

Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels Owner of healingchannels appointments remote energy healing and soul retrieval - Home

Welcome, beautiful souls- I’m Rosa

…a healing medium, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual channel. Picture me as a bridge connecting the earthly realm to the celestial spheres. But life wasn’t always like this; it was very different. I traversed the realms of academia, from college to post-doctoral training as a medical sociologist, delving into the realms of HIV, cancer, and mental health. Yet, a whisper from the universe nudged me towards a different calling. In 2004, I took a leap of faith and traveled to Brazil, embarking on a personal healing odyssey. One that awakened me to the profound connection between physical and emotional ailments and their spiritual origins. Intrigued? Click below to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Let’s bridge the realms together!

Wow! That was so detailed and well-structured. Thank you for all that you do: helping me heal, taking the time to write up my notes, and counseling me. You are a beacon of light and I have no idea what I would do without you.

– I. Michelin, NJ

Her words are ripe with wisdom and insight that are a gift to all who know her. For these reasons, I always feel safe working with her. Rosa’s divine connection and her inner spark have rescued me numerous times from physical, emotional and spiritual despair.”

– J.Lauren, NY

Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels Spiritual counseling and healing mediumship services healing channels - Home

Rosa Haritos, PhD, CHt, is a graduate of Barnard College and Columbia University, New York. She was an Andrew Mellon Fellow at Stanford University and has taught and engaged in research studies at several Ivy League Universities as well as the Pasteur Institute in Paris France and the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda Maryland. She is a Medium, Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher. She has a private healing practice in Hansville Washington.

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(917) 796-4091


Hansville, WA




By visiting this website, scheduling a consultation or appointment, and or booking a session with Healing Channels /Rosa Haritos PhD, you understand and agree that Rosa Haritos PhD is a medical sociologist, healing medium, shamanic practitioner, but not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed professional. Her advice, healing sessions, workshops, are offered to supplement Western and Traditional medical protocols. Please consult your physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological conditions you may be experiencing. 

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