(917) 796-4091 rosa@healingchannels.com


Spiritual Energy Healing , John of God , & Soul Retrieval by Healing Channels woodcarving1 - Classes

Coming Spring 2025

Introduction to Shamanic Journeying- Level 1

This one-day experiential workshop for beginners will teach participants the basic technique of journeying to non- ordinary reality. Participants will learn to use drumming and rattling to achieve the shamanic dream state in which they can journey to receive healing information.

Participants will understand the nature of shamanic healing; discovery of the realms of non-ordinary reality; travel in Upper and Lower worlds to meet with spiritual guides and power animals; Understand spiritual aspects of illness from a shamanic perspective; learn to journey an connect with the power of the authentic Self.

At present, this class with be via Zoom but if health restrictions lift in 2022, it will be on site. For all inquiries, to receive date when class is offered, information costs, and syllabus, please click on the Registration link.

Ancestral and Karmic Healing

The past two years have brought us unique and often painful opportunities to stop and reassess where we are in our personal healing journey. Many people of us have been doing tremendous work on ourselves, and yet somehow, we still feel stuck, blocked, unwell. We have a growing awareness of old energies and patterns that persist no matter how hard we try to heal and we feel disheartened, leaving us with the false belief we forever stuck in these wounded loops. And yet we cannot see that these are the times that offer us the ability to break free of such patterning, to stop and heal our karma and close out chapters in our lives. These are the times, most especially 2022-2023, where we can honor our ancestors and also move forward and break free. Yet, this requires a deeper understanding of we perpetuate our circumstances and what it takes for us to move into a new chapter in our lives, where we write a new story that begins with,

This stops with me. I heal myself. I choose to heal and start new patterns, learning from my ancestors and taking along their wisdom on the next part of my spiritual journey.

This is a class that is very dear to my heart as it has evolved from the hundreds of personal healing sessions with clients, who have been experiencing ancestral and karmic issues since November of 2019. This will be one of a series of 4 workshop, using several healing modalities: shamanic journeying, visualizations and energy meditations; automatic writing.
Familiarity with shamanic journeying is recommended- working familiarity with either a power animal or spirit guide.

At present, this class with be via Zoom but if health restrictions lift in 2022, it will be on site. For all inquiries, to receive date when class is offered, information costs, and syllabus, please click on the Registration link.

Healing with Spiritual Light

This 2 day experiential workshop offers effective ways to restore health and wellbeing in our lives. Drawing from Shamanic and Spiritist traditions, we will learn how to identify and heal the root cause of illness. This is based on the work of Sandra Ingerman’s on how to heal toxic patterns and thoughts within ourselves and how to heal toxins from our beloved Mother Earth. During this gathering we will create a sacred space to explore our divine nature and learn to journey inward to unleash our soul’s healing potential through a powerful combination of journey work and ceremony. The work centers upon the transfiguration journey: a shamanic journey technique that enables us to drop out of our conscious, thinking mind and physical body and merge with our authentic divine essence, and merge with our own helping spirits. The workshop will help us learn how to work in cooperation with our helping spirits and the spirits of the land and space. Participants will also take part in a ceremony to transmute water and other substances which will illustrate how the principle of harmony within creates harmony without. We will learn about working in cooperation with all the elements and how this can be incorporated into our daily lives.

Basic shamanic class or working closely with a power animal or spirt guide/teacher is a pre-requisite for this course. For all inquiries, to receive date when class is offered, information costs, and syllabus, please click on the Registration link.

Working with our Shadow Self

When we think of our shadow, we usually think of something unwanted: something we wish to eradicate and move on from; something we fear. And yet when we estrange our shadow self, we alienate a part of our essence and continue to perpetuate a duality that diminishes our capacity to open our hearts to love and compassion: and this is essential for healing our mind, body, and spirit at the deepest levels. Our shadow self is our greatest teacher and we must learn to embrace and befriend it.

In this class we will begin to unravel our shadow as we reflect upon our fears and fear-based patterns that interfere with our authentic self. We will explore where these thoughts and behaviors originate and how we can uncord from them in a healthy, loving way. We will then consider how we can work with our shadow self to what strengths and gifts it offers us in our healing process.

This class will use several healing modalities: shamanic journeying, energy meditations and visualizations, automatic writing. Familiarity with shamanic journeying is not required but will be useful.

At present, this class with be via Zoom but if health restrictions lift in 2022, it will be on site. For all inquiries, to receive date when class is offered, information costs, and syllabus, please click on the Registration link.

Journey to the Divine Feminine

The power of stillness and surrender

Reaching for healing, chasing it down, over analyzing, trying hard to control and fix what isn’t working in our lives. It seems the more we work at healing, the harder we try, we dig ourselves deeper into cycles of more sorrow, anger, depression. We move into the harsh energies of doubt and judgment as we think, “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just heal from this?”

The era of the new divine feminine began in 2012 and these past 2 years have shown us, there is another way: one that honors the authentic self and understands the intricacies and power of being authentic, and “self” centered. The divine feminine draws upon a different power that allows inner knowing and wisdom to rise to the surface. Then we begin to experience the wisdom that arises from the felt experience- without the mind’s stories and narratives.

Clarity comes as we become comfortable with the discord and energetic imbalance within without identifying with it. This awareness brings ease – slowly perhaps- but teaches us what it means to sit with what arises and still be aware of where we are balanced. The journey to our inner divine feminine opens us up to the true nature of healing and how it is linked to outdated beliefs around power. That our work involves holding this tenuous container so that solutions, ease, healing, realignment comes to us, without our having to focus on ‘the right answers’. This is the power of surrendering, of allowing.

At present, this class with be via Zoom but if health restrictions lift in 2022, it will be on site. For all inquiries, to receive date when class is offered, information costs, and syllabus, please click on the Registration link.


(917) 796-4091


Hansville, WA




By visiting this website, scheduling a consultation or appointment, and or booking a session with Healing Channels /Rosa Haritos PhD, you understand and agree that Rosa Haritos PhD is a medical sociologist, healing medium, shamanic practitioner, but not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed professional. Her advice, healing sessions, workshops, are offered to supplement Western and Traditional medical protocols. Please consult your physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological conditions you may be experiencing. 

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