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Discovering Shamanism: A Personal Journey
I still find it difficult, after all these years, to accurately convey the profound healing I received through the practice of shamanism — personally and as a shamanic practitioner. The principles and practices of shamanism have been well documented by authors like Mircea Eliade, Michael Harner, and Sandra Ingerman. They explain how core methods such as drumming, rattling, song, and other sacred rituals provide a path for restoring health and joy to life.
The Core of Shamanism
Core shamanism, devoid of specific cultural mores and codes, is a system of fundamental cross-cultural principles found in all shamanic cultures. These methods are easily integrated into contemporary life and provide reliable means to manifest positive, life-changing results. My remarks address the experiential aspect of core shamanism: the intimate ways in which the spirits transformed my life.
A World Connected by Spirit
In the world of the shaman, humans are one of the countless strands in the web of life, part of the totality of Nature. This perspective holds that humans are related to all life forms, not superior to them. A shaman’s world is divided into three spiritual realms: Lower, Middle, and Upper. Journeying to any of these realms requires the shaman to alter his/her consciousness and directly interact with the spirits.
My First Shamanic Journey
My first experience of the spiritual realms and their healing potential was a journey to the elements. Under the guidance of my instructor, Heather Cumming, I embarked on a Dismemberment Journey. Despite my initial fears, the experience was transformative, involving a profound interaction with the elements that ended with me feeling renewed and deeply connected to earth, air, and fire.
The Role of Power Animals
Animals are an essential component of shamanic practice, with each individual believed to have guardian power animals. My journey introduced me to Orca and Polar Bear, each providing unique wisdom and healing. These encounters demonstrated the supportive nature of power animals and their ability to assist us in overcoming obstacles and enhancing our spiritual growth.
Lessons from St. Gerasimos and the Healing Power of Ancestral Connections
St. Gerasimos, the patron saint of Cephalonia, and the spiritual heritage of my ancestors in Nisyros played pivotal roles in my journey. These experiences highlighted the power of ancestral connections and the ongoing presence of spiritual guides in our lives.
Shamanism in Contemporary Life
Shamanic healing is a path for restoring health and vitality for those suffering from the stress of contemporary life or feeling that life has lost its meaning. It is an effective way to address the root causes of pain, heal deep soul traumas, and release patterns of suffering. Shamanism is not just a set of techniques; it is a way of life that aligns us with the spiritual realms.
Conclusion: An Invitation from a Shamanic Practitioner
Why not take a leap of faith and try shamanism? You’ll be surprised at what you discover. It is more than just a practice; it offers an authentic alliance with the spiritual world and a deeper understanding of our place within it.