(917) 796-4091 rosa@healingchannels.com

My Spiritual Healing Story

My Spiritual Healing Story

In January of 2004, I was hitting my professional stride as an academic researcher at a major research university. I worked with the top people in my field. Personally, I was on less solid ground: my eleven-year marriage was in disrepair. Waves of anger, anxiety depression, and helplessness would wash over me as I watched my husband gradually shut down. After three years of trying conventional therapy to help us heal, I came to the difficult decision of seeking a divorce. And yet there was a deeper pain, a more profound disconnect from almost everything in my life, a feeling of “is this all there is for me?” My journey to Brazil was a first step in healing my emotional healing trauma and uncovering layers of pain that stretched back not only to my childhood but also to past lives. This began my healing journey.


The Journey to Brazil

My two-week stay was filled with mystical and strange experiences that I could not explain, given my rigorous scientific training. I saw technicolor visions with my eyes closed, felt healing energy as if energetic hands were bending my physical body, filling it with light and heat. These experiences weren’t confined to the Casa grounds. On the fourth night, I felt a spiritual energy presence in my room. It felt as if two hands gripped my ankles, sending intense energy healing up my body. When the sensation reached my knees, it felt like millions of charged needles firing into my physical body. The pain was overwhelming, but with each breath, the hands continued to move. I felt as if someone was realigning my entire spine, and I became aware of the profound mind body connection happening within me.


I felt I had walked through a portal and had a different perspective on my life.

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The Role of Spiritual Healing

As a spiritual healer, the next part of my journey involved releasing old emotional wounds. Growing up as the daughter of immigrant parents, our home was filled with pain and fear. Yet, I always felt a spiritual awakening happening within me, a sense of joy and healing touch. My direct experiences were so different from what I witnessed in my physical environment. But when I thought about my marriage, the sorrow weighed heavily on my soul. I remember asking God for help in releasing those feelings of anger and helplessness through faith healing.

As I waited for my turn to see John of God, tears of gratitude streamed down my face. As I stood before him, holding my photographs, I felt a rush of healing energy into my hand. I was told, “Your faith is strong and has healed you.” At that moment, I knew this healing process was not just about my physical health, but about aligning my body mind spirit for complete healing. I could feel my blood pressure drop, and an overwhelming peace settle in my mind and body. It was a moment of profound faith healing, something I had only read about in healing quotes or seen in a youtube video about spiritual healers like the Dalai Lama or Dr. Singh.



Healing Insights and Soul Retrieval

The next morning I stood in line, my husband’s name on a slip of paper, along with his date of birth. I approached the Entity and he gently took the piece of paper from my hand and held it. He looked into my eyes with love and compassion, and said, “He is a good man.” I felt as if this loving and compassion spirit being, was inside my head, reading my thoughts and I smiled. The Entity repeated, “He is a good man,” to which I replied, “I know Father, but I can no longer live with him.” He took my right hand and began speaking very quickly in Portuguese as a Casa guide translated. I was told you have free will, and you don’t have to take the Entity’s advice. Yet I was so grateful for the healing I already received, and would do anything to relieve the pain in my heart. I remember feeling confused and impatient, waiting to hear ‘this advice’. And again, it made no sense. “Get three photos of yourself and be here tomorrow. If you do this, I shall give you much happiness in your home.”

Becoming a Healing Medium

On the last day of my trip, while waiting to say farewell to the Entity, I was told that I was a healing medium. This new title seemed foreign, yet it felt right. As I continued my spiritual healing journey, I began to understand the mind body spirit connection and how energy healing could be integrated into health care. I realized that the healing process I had been going through would allow me to help others with emotional healing, chronic pain, and anxiety depression.


Continuing the Healing Path

Upon returning home, I sensed energies around me more clearly. I could sense the auras around others and feel the healing energy within their physical body. It was as if my senses had been heightened, and I was now on a healing journey of spiritual awakening. I also began exploring other modalities like crystal healing, healing touch, and essential oils, further deepening my understanding of spiritual energy and healing energy. As these experiences grew stronger, I realized I needed to immerse myself in meditation prayer and practices that aligned the body mind soul connection.

To continue on this path, I immersed myself in shamanic training for the next two years. It became clear that healing energy and faith healing work in tandem, and this profound experience of spiritual healing was now part of who I was. The body can heal, and the mind body connection is essential for true, lasting health.

To learn more about the specific healing services I offer, including crystal healing, healing touch, and energy healing, please click here. You can also follow my healing journey on instagram.com or watch a youtube video about the work I do in spiritual healing.


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(917) 796-4091


Hansville, WA




By visiting this website, scheduling a consultation or appointment, and or booking a session with Healing Channels /Rosa Haritos PhD, you understand and agree that Rosa Haritos PhD is a medical sociologist, healing medium, shamanic practitioner, but not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed professional. Her advice, healing sessions, workshops, are offered to supplement Western and Traditional medical protocols. Please consult your physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological conditions you may be experiencing. 

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